I was woken abruptly last night by a Tokay Gekko, affectionately known to US armed forces during the Vietnam War era as the "FU Lizard". Collectively known as "The Reception Committee"
Its native habitat is rainforest, where it lives on trees and cliffs and it frequently adapts to rural human habitations, roaming walls and ceilings at night in search of people sleeping. Tokay geckos are generally aggressive, territorial and can inflict a strong bite.

If Geckos do not move into a new development here it is considered cursed. The cost of remedying this defect will sit firmly with the leaseholders who don't even own the building, same as English land law.
"It should also be noted that these guys are notoriously mean and just general asshats as well, so the name doubly applies" Anon
Coming soon a recording of the ReUp bird (Vietnamese Cutia · Cutia legalleni).
ReUp was US army slang for reinlist, I've heard one of these and it's call is relentless Re-Up,Re-Up,Re-Up. Its tireless recruitment drive often answered by the FU Lizard. Lt E Franklin Evans writes of his experience in 1968:
"Ahead in the darkness, I heard the sound of the “re-up” bird. “Ree-uup, ree-uup” was its high-pitched trill. Re-up was the army slogan for “reenlist.” Re-up for four more years was the cry of the battalion reenlistment NCO. More often than not, the answer from the soldier was an impolite version of “No way, Sarge.” Tonight, a jungle lizard answered the bird with a staccato F.............You "