Visa is finally sorted so I'm off to the Sdach Archipelago and
Kampot - Pepper Farms, Caves
Bokor Mountain - Carniverous plants at Prey Nob
Sinhoukville - Beach resort
Koh Rong Samolean - Diving

The journey takes me temptingly close to the Vietnam border and I coudn't help overlaying a map of USAF operations against the Ho Chi Minh trail (Red), further north than me and the Sihanouk Trail starting from the port of Kompong Son "Sihanoukville" (green)

Large amounts of military supplies were brought up the Sihanouk Trail and in 1970 the U.S. sent ground forces into Cambodia to destroy them. After they withdrew the air campaign continued with a detachment of the 19th TASS patrolling Cambodia directing air strikes.
When the U.S. forces withdrew the Khmer Rouge moved in quickly to fill the void