There is no passenger ferry between Koh Rong and the neighbouring island Koh Rong Samloen. I wanted to go there as it claims to have the best sunsets as well as being described as the Maldives of Cambodia, big call.
The Challenger, Sunset at Long Beach Koh Rong
But first, I hadn't seen the sunset here properly as Tui beach is on the Eastside Koh Rong. Heading round the island by motorbike (sometimes pushing in sandy road) I reached Long beach, the show starts at 17:30 every day.
Long Beach, Koh Rong
Koh Rong Samloen
The Supply Ship
There's a supply ship, delivery boat to the islands and if you're up early you can take that. Sharing with cargo of the day, there are multiple stops, one was M'Pai Bai no idea about the others. I thought I was on the wrong ship heading for the mainland at one point until we changed course. You pay when you get off. Phones get a signal but mobile data starts to fade away as you leave port so won't tell you where you are, when to get off.
The supply ship doesn't go to the westside of the Island and there's no road round. I got off the boat at Saracen Beach and took the jungle path aka Snake Pass between The Dive Shop and Sunny Bungalows (leave all large luggage here).
Jungle Path
Now would be a good time to mention there are highly venomous snakes on the Island, King Cobra, Russell's Viper, Banded Krait and more. They would all prefer to slither away except perhaps the Malaysian Pit Viper (MPV) , an ambush predator perfectly camouflaged and sedentary that will patiently wait to be stepped on. It has a preference for coastal forests, me too.
I love snakes and I heard rustling, but saw none, no reticulated python just a legless lizard and some dodgy looking sticks. The trail becomes very steep at one point and there are ropes either side to get you down the slow way. All serenaded by loud Cicada.
Evidence of deforestation can be seen on the way, it's rumoured that an airport is being built. There are foreign investment projects here, including in Bokor National Park where land is completely cleared, maybe some development starts, then it's all abandoned leaving a permanent scar of red dust.

Back on the trail the jungle starts to become less dense and eventually you are rewarded by the beautiful clear warm water of Sunset Beach.

Robinson Crusoe Bungalow, Sunset Beach, Koh Rong Samolean
In room facilities were not included, built a bonfire on the beach and saw many stars without light pollution. Unfortunately, as I had to travel light, no tripod.
Sunset Beach, Koh Rong Samolean
Sunset at Sunset Beach, Koh Rong Samolean
